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Lubbock Accidents Send Several to Hospital

The Texas Highway Patrol was called to work two accidents in a matter of minutes recently. Drivers had just gotten out of their cars after one car accident, when a driver failed to stop for the first accident and caused another car accident. These accidents have given the Texas Highway Patrol the chance to remind drivers to slow down when approaching an accident and be on the lookout for pedestrians and stopped cars.

The first accident occurred when a driver allegedly failed to yield the right of way as they pulled onto US 84 from FM 2641. When the vehicles came to rest in the middle of the intersection, drivers slowed to avoid debris, and others stopped to see if they could help. Within minutes, a Shallowater High School student failed to slow as he approached the accident and caused a chain reaction accident involving a total of four vehicles, including the student’s car.

According to the Texas Highway Patrol, a total of five people were injured as a result of both of these accidents. One person was seriously injured. Four suffered minor injuries. Three of the five injured were taken to University Medical Center, including the seriously injured individual, and the other two were taken to Covenant Medical Center. The updated condition of the seriously injured person is not known.

A Texas Car Accident Lawyer can Help Win Financial Compensation

The parties that were injured as a result of these two accidents retain the right to file a personal injury claim against any parties found to be responsible for their injuries. Everyone involved in this accident may want to seek advice regarding their rights and responsibilities under our state laws. If a party prevails in proving that their injuries from the car accident were negligently caused by another, they are entitled to claim reimbursement for expenses such as medical expenses, property damage and lost wages in addition to any other damages allowed by law.

Source: LubbockOnline.com, “Five sent to hospital after two accidents Slow traffic from first accident caused second accident,” Chris Hoff, Oct. 19, 2012

Tylka Law Firm represents clients in League City, Texas, and throughout surrounding areas, including Galveston, Houston, Jefferson County, Chambers County, Alvin, Angleton, Texas City, Baytown, Pearland, Galveston County, Brazoria County, Harris County and throughout the Texas Gulf Coast.

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